• California Service Dogs

    Services dogs have proven themselves effective in helping those with disabilities live independently in their own home, reduce their need for medication, become more social and return to school or employment.


    Studies show that a service dog will allow functional independence & psychological benefits within six months.


    Due to the length of our waitlist and the many challenges and restrictions related to COVID-19, we’ve made the difficult decision to temporarily close our waitlist to new service dog and alert service dog applicants.

  • What Is A Service Dog

    Service animals are defined as animals that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for persons with disabilities. There are a variety of different types of animals that can be used as Service Animals but we only train dogs.


    Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task that a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person's disability. There are various organizations, companies & individuals, who can help train your Service Dog, some of these places breed & supply these dogs to be trained & can assist you to train them, while other organizations, companies or individuals, can only train or assist you to train your dog, i.e. they do not supply the dogs.


    Who qualifies to receive a Service Dog?

    Service dogs are trained for people with a disability. Applicants need to demonstrate that they are unable to perform certain daily tasks that a dog can perform for them. Daily tasks include but are not limited to, retrieve, pull and push for example doors or pushing light switches and lift buttons. A diagnosis from your doctor may also make you eligible for a service dog.


    No one person is the same and it is difficult to make hard and fast rules as to who would benefit from a service dog – by getting to know your individual circumstances, we can assess whether or not a service dog might be an appropriate option for you.

  • How Service Dogs Support You

    California Service Dogs has been training dogs and supporting people with disabilities since 2003. There are a number of different types of Service Dogs that can be trained in California. This includes dogs that can assist persons with:

    • Mobility Impairments - These are known as Service Dogs & can also help persons in wheelchairs & also those with Diabetes.


    • Visual impairments - These are known as Guide Dogs & are used to guide people who are blind.


    • Hearing Impairments - These are known as Hearing Dogs & they can alert people who are Deaf.


    • Intellectual Impairments - These are known as Service Dogs & can help persons with Autism or mental illnesses such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, etc.

  • Our Training Services

    Contact Us Today to Schedule an Assessment

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    Basic Dog Training

    All great service dogs start with being a well trained puppy.

    Training is as important for the prospective owner as it is for the dog, as the training of the dog will quickly break down if it is not handled and managed properly. Our dog training team aims to assist the dog owner with training their dog to be an enjoyable asset to the family, supporting them and giving much love as only a well behaved dog can do. To prevent dog bites especially attacks on children. The dogs are taught in a humane manner, which means that the dogs will be eager to please the family. Basic dog training is available for $150 per dog and includes materials and participation in a 2-day course.

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    Service Dog Training

    A lifetime of service.

    Training for the owner usually consists of attending daily workshops at our training center for 2-3 weeks. There are usually 7-10 students on each course and their residential training at the centre starts by learning about the responsibilities of dog ownership and the needs of a working dog. While at the Training Center, dogs stay with their owners 24/7 sleeping in their rooms, eating meals together and learning how to be friends and partners for the rest of the course and for many years to come. At the end of the training course an Instructor returns home with the newly qualified service dog owner. The Instructor helps the Service Dog and its master to settle down to their new life together and provides assistance and advice. Due to support from generous donors we are able to provide Service Dog Training on a sliding scale from $500-$3,000.

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    We Specialize in Medical Alert Training for Service Dogs


    What is a Seizure Alert Dog? A seizure alert dog is a type of service dog that is trained to find help or assist its partner during and/or after a seizure. Dogs chosen for this role will be able to naturally detect an oncoming seizure and are trained in a way to warn its partner of an oncoming seizure.

    What can a seizure alert dog do?
    • Seizure alert dogs are able to assist their partner in many ways, including:  
    • Displaying alert behaviors before a seizure occurs Remaining close to its owner during a seizure to prevent injuries 
    • Alerting a caretaker, family member or emergency response system 
    • Fetching a telephone, alert device or medication 
    • Opening a door or turning on a light
    What is a Diabetes Alert Dog? Diabetes alert dogs offer those with diabetes greater freedom to improve their quality of life by alerting ahead of time that a blood sugar decrease is impending. By giving their partners time to take precautions, this helps prevent serious injuries from falls and other related complications.
    What can a diabetes alert dog do? 
    • Alert individual if blood sugar is dropping Retrieve diabetes test kit or medications 
    • Provide support while walking and/or help their person stand after sitting or after a fall 
    • Carry objects 
    • Open/close doors, cabinets or drawers

    Medical / Diabetic/Seizure Alert Dog Class Student Requirements

    • Your dog must be human and dog-friendly

    • Dogs that show signs of true aggression will be dropped from the course WITHOUT A REFUND

    • Your dog must have basic obedience skills unless under 5 months old

    • You must be willing to commit up to 5 hours per day to training while attending the Training Workshops.

    • Your dog must be in general good health. A dog’s health can dramatically affect its ability to do nose work.

    • You will need to bring treats and high value chew items daily.

    • We will allow no more than 1 adult student per dog. Adult students are students over the age of 18.
    • Your dog must not be Brachycephalic. Its is unknown whether Brachycephalic dogs can do diabetic alerting so we cannot recommend them as Diabetic Alert Dogs. To find out if your dog is Brachycephalic please check the wikipedia page.


    Specific Criteria for Individuals Interested in Getting a Diabetes or Seizure Alert Dog

    1. Have a diagnosis of diabetes with episodes of low blood sugar or a diagnosis of  focal onset or generalized onset seizures.
    2. Compliant to prescribed medications and testing protocols. 
    3. Must be 12 years or older. 
    4. For diabetes, must have at least 2–4 episodes of daytime low blood sugar monthly without warning or awareness. 
    5. Willing and able to commit to a full-time service dog partnership: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Apply For Your Service Dog Today!

    Due to the length of our waitlist and the many challenges and restrictions related to COVID-19, we’ve made the difficult decision to temporarily close our waitlist to new service dog and alert service dog applicants. But you can use this contact form for any additional questions.

    Oakland, CA
    (510) 961-DOGS or (510) 961-3647